
Connect with us

Our team would love to talk to you about your employment law & HR needs

How can we
help you succeed?

Let's start the conversation.

Phone: IgniteHR - 0417 552 115
Newcastle | Central Coast | Greater Sydney | Virtual

FREE 15 minute consultation

Speak with one of our consultants today.

Do you have a curly Human Resources or Employee Relations situation that you need expert advice on? 

By engaging in a one hour consultation with one of our team, we can provide you with:.
  1. Expertise: you will receive accurate, up-to-date advice on current issues your business is facing. Let us guide and support  you to make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.
  2. Conflict Resolution: We can support you to navigate conflicts with employees or other parties, and provide guidance on how to handle disputes and help you reach a resolution that is fair and compliant.
  3. Tailored Advice: We provide tailored advice based on the specific needs and circumstances of your business, this helps you to navigate complex issues, such as discrimination, harassment, wage and hour disputes, and employee classification.
  4. Risk Management: We can help you mitigate the risk by providing guidance on compliance with employment laws, regulations, and policies.
  5. Training: In addition to providing advice, Ignite can also offer training and support for your Human Resources team.
During the consultation, we will listen to your concerns, answer any of your questions, support and guide you in reaching a resolution.

Please click below to book your one hour consultation.

Your information and feed back is private and it will reach only the directors of the company

What kind of help are you looking for?

If any of the following scenarios sound like you, fill in the form above and nominate the area you'd like to talk to us about.

Our team will reach out to you to discuss how we can help as soon as we can.

Employment Law

I need an employment lawyer to advise, support, assist, or represent myself or my organisation with a legal matter. 

Industrial Relations

I need an expert to assist, develop, manage or execute a matter relating to industrial or workplace relations in my organisation.

Human Resources

I need a HR professional to support develop, manage or implement best-practice people and culture frameworks or assistance to run my day-to-day people operations.


I need a team of experts to support and assist my organisation to prepare and meet accreditation standards.

Employer Advice Line

I need to phone or meet an employment lawyer or HR professional to provide advice and support that may be needed every now and again.


I need assistance to discover what I or my organisation needs in relation to people, culture and law.